About me

I am Louise Poy Wing and I introduced this blog for my many friends and those wishing to visit the south of the Island of Trinidad in the Caribbean, who really don't where to hang out in south. Having grown up in the north of Trinidad, initially I would have experienced the same challenge when looking for nice places of entertainment.

Quite recently, before i began this blog, there were many new places opening in the south with the addition of two new malls and this provided lots of cool spots which i highlighted on the blog.

The blog, although started as a requirement in fulfillment of my MBA has received favourable feedback that it has provided just the type of service it was designed to, so it is probably here to stay and we can all have some fun with it.

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My favourite restaurant has come to south. From Movietowne Port of Spain to Movietowne C3 San Fernando. Their dishes are all very tasty and ...